Serveis Professionals

Consultoria empresarial per a empreses i autònoms amb solucions personalitzades i eficients.

Consultoria Financera

Optimització fiscal i estratègies per a la rendibilitat i el compliment normatiu de la seva empresa.

A clipboard with a blank payments checklist is placed on a marble surface next to an open laptop and a white pen. The setup appears to be organized for financial planning or administrative work.
A clipboard with a blank payments checklist is placed on a marble surface next to an open laptop and a white pen. The setup appears to be organized for financial planning or administrative work.
Inspeccions Tributàries

Suport en auditories i resolució d’incidències per garantir la tranquil·litat de la seva empresa.

A workspace setting with financial documents, a black calculator displaying numbers, a cup of black coffee on a saucer, an orange highlighter, and a blue pen on a table.
A workspace setting with financial documents, a black calculator displaying numbers, a cup of black coffee on a saucer, an orange highlighter, and a blue pen on a table.

Serveis Empresarials

Consultoria per a empreses i autònoms en diverses àrees.

assorted files
assorted files
Gestió Documental

Organització eficient de documents per facilitar la gestió legal i administrativa, garantint el compliment normatiu i millorant la productivitat de la seva empresa.

A web page from Razorpay displaying marketing content about financial services. The page includes a 3D illustration of a cube surrounded by floating labels with financial terms like 'Virtual Account' and 'Vendor Payouts'. The text encourages business growth through automated financial solutions. Navigation links for various services are visible at the top.
A web page from Razorpay displaying marketing content about financial services. The page includes a 3D illustration of a cube surrounded by floating labels with financial terms like 'Virtual Account' and 'Vendor Payouts'. The text encourages business growth through automated financial solutions. Navigation links for various services are visible at the top.
Comptabilitat Eficient

Informes i anàlisi comptable per prendre decisions informades i estratègiques, optimitzant la rendibilitat i la salut financera de la seva empresa.